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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Rose Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits Of Rose

Rose is one of the most beautiful flowers, which is seen in most households and gardens. It also plays an important role against diarrhea. Rose hips are a good source of iron, calcium, niacin and phosphorus. Research reveals its positive association with poor incidence of renal stones.

Rose oil is required in a small quantity, as it’s generally used in combination with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil. About eight drops of rose oil is mixed with 10 ml of carrier oil for topical application on the skin. Its usage in a room dispenser or in a bowl of hot water, is optional, but can be done to derive maximum benefits of emotional wholeness. Health benefits of rose encompass physiological and psychological relief.

Rose has a soothing effect on the nerves and thus provides relief from stress. It possesses anti depressant and sedative action. Rose petals heals internal hemorrhage, improves the gastrointestinal health relieves thirst, cough and chest infection, prevents edema or water retention and rejuvenates the skin. Rose petals are also used in the treatment of heart diseases, peptic ulcers and nervous tension. A decoction of rose petals, made with water provides relief from sore throats. Rose essence proves effective for the release of bile, circulation, digestion and disorders of the womb.

Health benefits of rose water include antiseptic properties for the eye, soothing action on the skin and acts as a skin tonic.

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